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Muscle Shoals
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Welcome to 256 Today, we’re glad you’re here. 256 Today is made up of a dedicated local team reporting the North Alabama news that impacts your daily life. We are rooted here in the communities that we call home. Each day this is the place to find the latest news on business, government, workforce and culture in North Alabama.

Join us at 256 Today as we deliver the news that tells the story of our region with a knowledgeable approach and respect for you, our audience. We are Smart News for Smart People.

Smart News for Smart People?
North Alabama is a region with all types of smart people. There are rocket scientists, health care professionals, stay-at-home parents, computer analysts, educators, farmers, contractors, engineers, artists, military personnel, and so much more. No matter the occupation, the Tennessee Valley is tied together by people who are all (S)elf-sufficient, (M)otivated, (A)dept, (R)esourceful, and (T)rustworthy. People who deserve to have their local news reflect that. People who are – as the dictionary defines it – “capable of independent action,” and as we define it, smart as hell.

Integrity is the foundation upon which 256 Today is built. We hold our staff and our contributors to the highest level of ethical conduct across all of our platforms. Credibility is the foundation upon which our delivery of news and information is built.

We want to hear from our audience! While 256 Today endeavors toward perfection, no one is perfect. Therefore, we constantly monitor our content should the need arise for updates and corrections and make appropriate notations of such when necessary. 256 Today as an organization encourages the consumers of our content to inform us if and when they see content in need of corrections or updates. Our editors may be reached at [email protected].

256Today is independently owned and funded by advertising revenue generated from our digital, radio and broadcast platforms, as well as event sponsorships.

Smart News for Smart People