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At promotion ceremony, Huntsville Fire & Rescue recognizes courageous and lifesaving actions

HUNTSVILLE – Huntsville Fire & Rescue celebrated the achievements of veteran firefighters as well as heroic actions by firefighters both in the line of duty and off duty.

At a promotions and awards ceremony, 14 drivers were promoted to captain, 28 firefighters were promoted to driver and two firefighters were promoted to assistant fire marshal. Awards were also presented for Medal of Valor, Company Performance and Lifesaver.

“This is a proud day for Huntsville Fire & Rescue,” HFR Chief Howard McFarlen said. “It is an honor to recognize those who have gone the extra mile to earn promotions along with the courageous responses by our firefighters. This demonstration of hard work and bravery is what HFR is all about.”

HFR drivers promoted to captain were Nicholas Campbell, Zachary Garner, Trevor Harrison, Clarence Heater, Michael Mahoney, John McNeal, William Moon, Ian Murphy, Ricky Parker, Brett Reynolds, Adam Sisk, Werner Schilloff, Dustin Weeks, Jackie Wolfe.

Firefighters promoted to driver were Luke Armstrong, Joshua Berry, Arik Caballero, Tanner Carner, Tim Dickson, William Edwards, Nicholas Gates, Collin Gifford, Thomas Harris, Seth Holland, Richard Keslo, Andrew King, Alex Mann, Derek McCulley, Taylor McNeese, Joshua Medlen, Zachary Miller, Nicholas Nazario, Jessie Pierce, William Roberson, Jennifer Satterfield, Donald Stone, Jared Terry, Merrick Thrailkill, Eric Weatherford, Jalen Wesley, Timothy Williams.

Firefighters Joseph Gardner and Jacob Zerfoss were promoted to assistant fire marshal.

The Medal of Valor and Company Performance Award were presented to firefighters stemming from an active shooter incident in which two Huntsville Police officers were shot. Receiving the Medal of Valor were Zachary Whitt, Conner Bray and Christopher Wilson. Thomas Yother received the medal posthumously and it was accepted by his son, Driver Engineer Evan Yother.

Receiving the Company Performance Award were Jimmy Mills, Whitt, Bray, Wilson and, posthumously, Yother (also accepted by his son).

Capt. Seth Hardiman received the Lifesaver Award after assisting Kyler Trice, a basketball player at a game at Lincoln County, Tenn., High School. School administrators called for help after the Kyler became ill and Hardiman determined Kyler had no pulse. Hardiman began performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while a nurse, Stacy Johnson, began CPR and restored his pulse.

Kyler and his family greeted Hardiman on stage as he received his award.

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