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Calhoun Mobile Instant Admission Day bus coming to Huntsville and Madison June 16

HUNTSVILLE — Seeing a trend in the number of people forced to choose work to support their families over going to college, Calhoun Community College knew they had to make attending college, paying for tuition, and ultimately earning an income, much easier.

Calhoun recruiters teamed up with the financial aid department, career services, and the National Guard to simplify the admissions process with new Mobile Instant Admission Day events.

The next Mobile Instant Admission Day is Thursday, June 16 at the Kroger Shopping Center at 2110 Oakwood Ave. in Huntsville from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.; and at the Madison Public Library at 142 Plaza Blvd, in Madison from 12 noon – 3 p.m.

The Calhoun team will travel via the Calhoun bus throughout the college’s service area to not only admit individuals to college on-the-spot but to also share information about associate degree programs.

Many of the programs include benefits like paid job opportunities, certifications that will help you earn more money at your current job, as well as healthcare opportunities that include a guaranteed job with paid training.

An Air National Guard recruiter will also be available to discuss career opportunities for those who are interested in serving our country.

“The nation’s workforce is in shambles right now as the need for skilled workers continues to increase alongside gas prices and the cost of living,” said Calhoun Recruitment Coordinator Jessica Jackson, “The college is also receiving an influx of phone calls from employers who are in desperate need of skilled individuals that are qualified to fill open positions quickly.

“This makes college recruiting very difficult as many people tend to bypass college and training, to accept open jobs that require minimal skills,” she added.

If an individual has completed their high school diploma or GED, they will be instantly admitted to the college on Mobile Instant Admission Day.

From there, the future students will have an opportunity to meet with a member of financial aid to complete their FAFSA and learn for how much free financial assistance you qualify.

“We hear about so many people who have never completed their FAFSA, and it’s shocking as that is truly a sure way to leave free money on the table that could go towards your education,” said Jackson. “People assume they will not qualify for funding due to many different preconceived ideas regarding income or what they’ve possibly been told by others in the past.

“That couldn’t be any further from the truth. It’s best to apply as many people have been quite surprised when told they qualified for financial assistance,” she said.

To complete the process, applicants should bring a current photo ID and your 2020 tax forms if you are interested in receiving financial aid.

Individuals can also meet with an advisor and get registered for classes.

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