38.8 F
33.7 F
Muscle Shoals
40.7 F
44.5 F
Fort Payne



Area reps hope to land business at Farnsborough International Airshow

LONDON -- By jove! The delegation from north Alabama has arrived in jolly ol' England to renew old acquaintances and create other relationships at the...

Flying high: Pryor Field airshow promises regional impact

TANNER – The first North Alabama Airfest was such a success, the host decided to put on another one. The Pryor Field Airport Authority recently...

Flying high! Huntsville International voted No. 1 Best Small Airport

HUNTSVILLE – The city of Huntsville has been named the best in the nation for different qualities of life by national and international publications. So,...

Huntsville International Airport makes cut for Newsweek Readers’ Choice Awards

HUNTSVILLE – Let the voting begin. Not to send someone to Montgomery or Washington, D.C., however, but to name the organization that sends air travelers...

The plane truth: Huntsville International soaring to new heights in air travel

HUNTSVILLE – Huntsville International Airport had a record 2023. However, at the current pace, the regional home for a handful of carriers will pass...

Taking off: Pryor Field awarded $3.2M in federal funding

DECATUR – The Decatur economy is taking off and a key asset has been the expansion of Pryor Field Regional Airport. Now, thanks to a...

Strong steers another grant to Huntsville International Airport

WASHINGTON – As work continues on three projects at Huntsville International Airport, including the renovation of its main concourse, U.S. Rep. Dale Strong announced...

Three construction upgrades ongoing at Huntsville International Airport

HUNTSVILLE – While the renovation of the main concourse moves along about 10 months after the work began, construction firm Robins & Morton announced...

Discount carrier Breeze, legacy airlines help Huntsville International set record 

HUNTSVILLE – Not surprisingly with the ongoing growth in the area, Huntsville International Airport broke all previous passenger traffic records in 2023 marking its...

Huntsville International offers tips for holiday air travel

HUNTSVILLE – Holiday travel season traffic has started with a prediction of 30 million passengers flying for Thanksgiving festivities. That number is from the Transportation...