MONTGOMERY -- CollegeCounts, Alabama’s 529 college savings fund, will be awarding scholarships in the amount of $4,000 for four years to students who attend...
HUNTSVILLE -- Ambassador Andrew Young will be the feature speaker Monday at a virtual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Celebration.
The 38th annual event...
HUNTSVILLE – Ben O'Keefe, social change activist and political commentator, will be the keynote speaker for the University of Alabama in Huntsville's Martin Luther King...
HUNTSVILLE – Tennessee Tech University got an early Christmas present with the opening of its Poultry Science Research Center. The center, which opened Dec....
HUNTSVILLE – In following its tradition of supporting academic institutions that focus on engineering, cyber or technology, Trideum recently presented a check to the...
HUNTSVILLE – Annclaire Shultz, a Huntsville High School honors student, has been nominated to serve as the Alabama delegate to the Congress of Future...
HUNTSVILLE – Students at Huntsville’s Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering showed their prowess at more than cyber technology with several big wins...