82.3 F
71.4 F
Muscle Shoals
70.1 F
72.3 F
Fort Payne


Higher Education

UAH takes central space science role in two NASA missions

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is gearing up for major roles in two NASA space missions. They will take a computational analytics...

UAH physicist wins $616,000 NSF CAREER grant to study super-hot solar processes

Dr. Haihong Che, a solar physicist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has been awarded a five-year, $616,000 National Science Foundation CAREER...

Performing $125 million in externally funded research in 2021, UAH achieves top level rank in Carnegie research classifications

Known for its prolific research capabilities and collaboration with over 285 high-technology companies in Huntsville’s aerospace, defense, biotechnology, energy, climate and health sectors, the...