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Edwards wins UAH Alumni of Achievement award

HUNTSVILLE – Madison County Commissioner Violet Edwards has been selected as the 2022 Alumni of Achievement award-winner for the College of Business at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Edwards received her MBA from UAH in 2014.

Elected to the District 6 office in 2020, she became the first Black woman to serve on the county commission.

She is well-known in the local non-profit sector for her tireless work with various agencies, including Christmas Charities Year-Round and the North Alabama Coalition for the Homeless.

She says her inspiration to get to where she is today has not come from a particular
individual, but rather from life experiences.

“I have lived in extreme poverty. I have lived in the middle class,” she says. “I’ve gone to community colleges, graduated from four-year colleges and experienced dropping out. I have been the VIP at events, and I’ve worked the coat check.

“All these experiences have inspired me to keep moving from point A to point B and not be afraid of what is behind the next door.”

Edwards draws on a wealth of unique career skills to aid her current position, as well,
including a 13-year broadcast journalism career, nonprofit management, working as a stay-at-home-mom, university marketing, events coordinating, teaching as an adjunct lecturer and university development officer.

The challenging pathways her life has taken her down have proved to be the driving force
that have propelled her to the position she holds today.

“Frustration, hope, disappointment and determination led me to my current position as a
county commissioner,” she said. “I was frustrated by the state of my community and disappointed at how issues were being handled or ignored. I am very active in the community, and the issues discussed in my circles were not getting addressed.

“So, I made my list of priorities and set out to bring about change. I hoped for a better tomorrow and was determined to see our community thrive.”

Edwards has since compiled a stellar track record of advocacy, service and leadership
that has directly impacted Huntsville and the residents of District 6.

“It is an honor to represent District 6,” she said. “The county government is different in that the commission does not make laws. This leads people to think our only decisions are
about roads. While that is a large part of it, all six districts in Madison County are different.
No commissioner’s contribution and advocacy will look the same, because our districts are
not identical.

“Representing District 6 means advocating for our needs, seeing to our priorities and ensuring that the challenges unique to the district are not overlooked in the big picture.”

Edwards has compiled a notable record for leadership, including, president, North Alabama Coalition for the Homeless; chartering president, Madison County Chapter of Mocha Moms Inc.; alumna, Leadership Huntsville/Madison County – Connect Class 14; volunteer, Leadership Huntsville/Madison County; alumna, United Way of Madison County – Leadership Social Services Class 4; local coordinator, Council on International Educational Exchange; and second vice president, Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama.

She is a board member for Girls Inc., supporting Leadership Greater Huntsville – Class 36 and is president of the Academy of Academics and Arts Band and Choir Association.

The UAH grad likes to point out that working hard and putting one’s creativity on display
can make a big difference – a difference that early on earned her praise and encouragement from a special mentor.

“I was a stay-at-home mother of three when I accepted a part-time student worker job in
the dean’s office at the College of Business,” she said. “While my self-respect was intact, I questioned whether or not I had what it took to be a successful graduate student. I threw myself into my studies, my family and that part-time job. I will never forget when I got word that the dean, Dr. Caron St. John, had boasted to senior faculty about the work ethic, creativity and business acumen displayed, even in that modest position. She told them that one day I was going to run a multibillion-dollar corporation. I was so honored, I cried.

“I had gone from the face of a television station and the voice of a radio station to passing
out cotton candy to people half my age. To have someone of her esteem see where I was going and not limit me to the ground floor where I was made me work that much harder. Dr. St. John reached out shortly after I won the election to congratulate me, and I let her know that I still plan on running a multinational, multibillion-dollar corporation – but I needed to take a slight detour.”

Her wide breadth of experiences gives her a unique perspective on handling the myriad
daily tasks she sees in serving a constituency of 58,000 in District 6.

“I spend my days listening, learning and advocating,” she said. “Every day I hear from
business owners or non-profits with a vision, plan or a need in the community. Part of my
day typically involves decisions about allocating funds to benefit our community.

“District 6 oversees the operations of a senior wellness center, a community garden and a district shed. Along with oversight of these initiatives, many days consist of county meetings, program meetings and ensuring my 24 employees have what’s needed to be successful.”

Edwards also believes it’s especially important to be out and about, to see, hear and learn
firsthand what her district needs by interacting with the people she serves.

“I stay engaged in the community by attending ceremonial events and organization
meetings to support the constituency,” she said. “I feel it is important for my constituents
to know not only how much I appreciate their contributions to the county, but also to hear
their concerns. In return, they welcome me.

“I have been invited to participate in everything from coin tosses at football games, to business ribbon cuttings, to birthday parties celebrating centenarian milestones. Those are the fun days.”

She is married to fellow alumnus Anthony Edwards (UAH ’99 and ’02).

“Together we have three beautiful children, Vivica (UAH, ‘22), Myles and Elijah,” Edwards said. “My sister Raven Perry-Beach is a practicing attorney in Huntsville-Madison County. My parents, Dr. Jeff Ruffin and Sandi Perry, are ministers and serve the community in various capacities.”

She said her favorite memory of attending UAH as a student was “decorating the BAB for
holidays and homecoming.”

“As a GTA, I worked with undergrad student ambassadors to engage students, prospects, family and friends,” Edwards said. “Whether it was tree decorating for Christmas or cutting out cardboard designs for Paint the Town Blue, we worked together as a team to do beautiful projects and put smiles on people’s faces.”

Edwards enjoys reading, traveling and the outdoors.

“As the mother of two active boys, you can find me on many sidelines, in many bleachers, in many audiences and in a perpetual carline,” she said with a smile.

In the meantime, her true passion will always be service.

“While different seasons in my life have led me to different areas of service, it is important to me to be an aide and advocate,” Edwards said. “As a commissioner, I advocate for 50K-plus people and their share of funding for their communities, schools and services. It is a long way from my beginnings as a Girl Scouts volunteer.”

When asked if she could share one piece of advice with a current UAH student, Edwards said, “don’t let anyone put you in a box – including yourself. Kudos to people who find their perfect career path for decades to come. But if that is not you, don’t fret. Pivoting is a part of life.

“Every career field I have been in has prepared me for where I am today. Give your all to the season you are in, and when it no longer speaks to your spirit, it is perfectly fine to change. From somebody who has been a journalist, a nonprofit director, a small business owner, an adjunct lecturer and an elected official – I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. But I am having a blast figuring it out.”

When she takes a moment from her whirlwind schedule to take a peek over the horizon
and see where the future leads, Edwards knows she has found a home in helping others.

“I have accepted that service is in my blood,” she said. “My entire adult life I’ve been
on a board or a committee. My journey as a public servant is just getting started.

“I cannot predict where I will land in the future, but I do know that it will include serving others.”

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