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Huntsville transit customers can now swipe and go with the new Token Transit app

The free Token Transit app is here! Beginning tomorrow, February 22, all it takes is a couple of swipes of the Token Transit app on your smartphone, and Huntsville transit customers will be on the move.

Available for use on both the City of Huntsville’s Orbit shuttle and Access buses, the app allows riders to purchase fares and board a bus by showing the driver a pass on their phone.

It provides a much faster, easier and more convenient rider experience and a more efficient experience for transit operators. A cashless fare transaction takes four to five seconds when boarding, compared to the traditional process of depositing cash in the farebox, which takes an average of 22 seconds.

“This is an exciting step toward making public transportation easier to use and more accessible for everyone,” said Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle. “Smartphones are such an integral part of our daily lives, so being able to board a bus using an app seems like a natural extension.”

The City learned about Token Transit from the UAH Office of Public Transportation, which partners with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA). After securing a COVID-19 Transportation Research Demonstration Grant, UAH explored how a touchless fare system could reduce health risks for both patrons and operators.

Seen as a win-win for the city because it did not require replacing anything since operators will continue to accept tickets, cash and coins from riders, Huntsville launched a pilot Token Transit program last November.

Quisha Bryant, director of Parking and Public Transportation for the City of Huntsville said Token Transit would provide several benefits to Huntsville Transit, including decreased costs, improved service, and more riders.

“Because most of our customers own a smartphone, a system for easy mobile payments creates accessibility for everyone,” she said. “Additional accessibility will allow us to attract customers who might not ordinarily choose public transit as a means of mobility.”

Tuesday’s full roll-out is a soft launch, but Transit manager John Autry believes the app will lead to significant growth among local colleges and universities, as well as employers because they can purchase bulk fares for students and staff and send them to individuals via text.

“You can combine the student populations of Alabama A&M, Drake State, Calhoun Community College and UAH along Orbit bus routes 7 and 3 and connect over 20,000 students with bus service to downtown and Bridge Street Town Centre,” he said. “A universal student or semester pass purchased in bulk by each partner school, college or university could be a game-changer for students who may not have their own transportation.”

The Token Transit app is available in the App Store for iPhone, and at Google Play for Android devices.

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