25.8 F
25.2 F
Muscle Shoals
25.4 F
33.5 F
Fort Payne

Huntsville Utilities: Beat (the cost of) the heat

HUNTSVILLE — The National Weather Service Huntsville Office  is forecasting temperatures in the 90s this week, with heat indexes hitting triple digits Thursday and Friday.
Nothing impacts energy use (and costs) like the outside air temperature, so Huntsville Utilities is offering some tip to help keep energy use – and costs – down while also keeping cool:
  • Use fans (ceiling fans should spin counter-clockwise)
  • Close curtains and blinds on windows facing the sun
  • Set thermostats for as high a temperature as comfortable – Don’t put your health at risk!
  • Keep doors closed
  • Make sure the AC filters are clean, and if your unit hasn’t been serviced lately, have it checked out.
Huntsville Utilities has more tips on its website and its YouTube Channel.

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