66.5 F
68.4 F
Muscle Shoals
65.9 F
66.2 F
Fort Payne

It’s the ripe time of year for some berry good pickin’ and eatin’

HUNTSVILLE — It’s time for the popular strawberry to make its appearance and North Alabama is home to some of the “berry best” places to pick your own.

Whether you’re gathering berries for fresh eating, baking or preserving, strawberry picking is a sweet and joyful experience that captures the heart of the season.

(Sweet Grown Alabama contributed)

Red stained mouths, full buckets and laughter on the farm await at any of these Sweet Grown Alabama u-pick strawberry farms! 

(Sweet Grown Alabama contributed)

Sweet Grown Alabama is a non-profit foundation that enhances marketing opportunities for Alabama farmers by connecting retailers and consumers to Alabama-grown foods and other agricultural products.

Farmers, product makers, restaurants, retailers and others are encouraged to join the branding program and use the Sweet Grown Alabama logo on their locally grown products.

To learn more visit www.SweetGrownAlabama.org. 

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