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Madison residents invited to plan for the city’s future

MADISON — Madison is gearing up for a week of community meetings to plan the city’s future.

“Madison on Track 2045 is a community-based planning effort to shape the future of Madison through an update of the city’s Comprehensive Plan,” said Mary Beth Broeren Director of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Madison.

Madison on Track 2045 will be used as a policy document and serve as a vision for the city.

“We will be hosting meetings throughout the community for residents to share their ideas, reflect on input, and provide feedback on plan direction,” she said. “This is a chance for residents to share their vision for Madison’s future.”

Meetings are July 25-29 throughout the city. The first two Community Visioning workshops take place July 26. The workshops will include exercises to help residents envision how Madison will evolve, based on existing conditions, growth trends, and projections.

A third community workshop will take place July 27 and a Shared Progress Open house is July 28. Residents can provide feedback on the workshops and the plan. There will be no formal presentation at this meeting. Residents are invited to stop by City Hall Council Chambers from 5-7 p.m.

Madison’s planning week wraps up with a Downtown Madison Farmers’ Market Pop-up Event with Madison on Track project team members from 3-6 p.m.

Former Madison City Councilman and current Madison on Track 2045 Advisory Committee member Tommy Overcash said it’s important for the community to be involved in planning for the city’s future.

“Madison on Track 2045 will be a comprehensive policy document and guideline plan for use by the city to make decisions about future growth, development, policy, and capital improvements,” he said. “It will help the city decision-makers plan strategically for building and maintaining our wonderful community with decisions based on sound information in both short and long-term scenarios.”

Madison on Track 2045 kicked off in February with a city-hosted workshop to identify community assets as well as areas in need of improvement.  From that workshop, a Madison Assets Map was created.

Broeren said the development of the Madison Community Profile is also underway and will provide a look at Madison’s past and present. She said the full draft should be available on the Madison on Track website on Friday.  A survey is also in the works.

“Everyone who has signed up on the website will receive a survey that will be released on Friday,” Broere  said.

To see the Community Profile and take part in the survey, register at Madison on Track 2045.

(Contributed/256 Today)

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