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Major League Eating World Banana Pudding Championship coming to Madison

MADISON — The state’s fastest growing city has hit the big leagues. Well, Major League that is, as in Major League Eating.

The inaugural Fight Night: Major League Eating World Banana Pudding Championship – yes, banana pudding eating – is set for Aug. 5 at CrossPointe Church in Madison.

Vince Stiffler, pastor of adult ministries with CrossPointe Church, said this is the first-time for this category in Major League Eating.

“Major League Eating has done these sort of events for several years but not in the banana pudding discipline, so this will be the first and a world record will set next Friday night,” he said. “This is an eight-minute competition to eat as much banana pudding as possible.”

Major League Eating sponsors the world-famous Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island. Other MLE contests include the Great Midwest Rib Fest World Rib-Eating Championship in Minnesota and the U.S. National Buffalo Wing Eating Championship in New York.

Since this is a first time event, a world record will be set unless all the contestants are disqualified for conduct unbecoming or other infractions.

Competitors will eat their way through Apple Lane Farm’s banana pudding. The contest features six of the 31 top-ranked competitive eaters, and three newer competitors looking to earn points toward their ranking.

There is $3,000 in prize money for the top six eaters. The winner will take home a $1,500 purse.  Second place is $750; third place, $350; fourth place, $200; fifth place, $150; and sixth place is $50.

Stiffler said it’s best left to the professionals, “This is something these people train for, it’s a real competition.”

There is no charge for admission. Spectators can purchase their own Apple Lane Farm dessert and food trucks will also be there.

In addition to the eating competition, the Civil Axe truck will be onsite as well as a gaming truck free for attendees.

(2022 Major League Eating World Banana Pudding Championship/256 Today)

This is the first Major League Eating event at a church and Stiffler said it’s called “Fight Night” because it originally began as a men’s group gathering for the church.

“Primarily because we call men to fight for their families, for their faith, to be challenged to do those things,” he said. “A few times a year we have men’s events and, originally, this was going to be a men’s event.

“But, based on the popularity, we opened it up to all in the community.”

The Major League Eating World Banana Pudding Championship takes place at 6 p.m., Aug. 5 at CrossPointe Church, 78 Hughes Road in Madison.

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