FLORENCE – For the fifth year, the Department of Foreign Languages is letting the good times roll with its multicultural Mardi Gras celebration.
The event, which will include karneval and carnaval, is Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Guillot University Center.
“Mardi Gras, karneval, carnavales … it’s what we in America know as Mardi Gras, but it’s celebrated all over the world under different names,” said Dr. Rebecca Linam, a lecturer of German in the Department of Foreign Languages and coordinator of the annual event. “The celebration takes place during the weeks leading up to the start of Lent, which marks a time of fasting until Easter.”
In France, Mardi Gras is celebrated with various traditions, such as parades and costumes. In places like Louisiana, south Alabama, and coastal Mississippi, people often enjoy King Cake as they celebrate the last day of feasting before Ash Wednesday when the Lenten season begins.
The UNA French Club will offer King Cake samples, beads, and Mardi Gras fun.
In German-speaking countries, the celebration has several names depending on the region: Karneval, Fasching, or Fastnacht. Germans often refer to it as the fifth season of the year as it is such a large part of their cultural heritage. People celebrate with parades and by wearing costumes to conceal their identities while they pack in lots of fun before Lent.
Typical Karneval treats include Krapfen, or Berliner, which is a sort of jelly-filled doughnut. It is also a tradition that women cut off men’s ties. The German Club will bring both of these traditions to the celebration.
In Hispanic countries, Carnavales take place two weeks before Lent. During the festivities, one can expect a variety of lively activities, performances, and delicious food. The Spanish Club will serve a traditional Spanish crepe that is a Carnavales staple, and t-shirts will be given to Spanish language/Carnavales trivia participants.
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