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No tricks, just treats, at Pawloween in downtown Florence

FLORENCE – Started as a way to provide some fun and a bit of normalcy during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Pawloween has now become an annual Halloween tradition in the Shoals.

(Contributed photo)

A creation of the Town and Gown Task Force, with stakeholders from the City of Florence and the University of North Alabama, the trunk-or-treat event is set for Oct. 29, from 10 a.m. until noon in downtown Florence.

“Pawloween is a nod to the UNA Lions and is a way to connect the Town and Gown Task Force with a family event,” said Michelle Eubanks, director of UNA Media and Public Relations. “It’s been well-received by both the business community and by families, with hundreds attending each year.”

“We are thrilled to have the return of this event in downtown,” Florence Mayor Andy Betterton said. “Pawloween is a great opportunity to enjoy a little trunk-or-treating as well as to get to know some of the city departments and university organizations and the people behind those entities in the process.”

While the event has been held in downtown Florence in its first three years, Pawloween will move throughout the city beginning next year. 

“Downtown is clearly our closest neighbor, but we want to expand throughout the city. Next year, Pawloween will be held in Seven Points and the following year it will be in Sweetwater,” Eubanks said. “We want to see the university partner with other areas and move beyond the perimeter of downtown.”

Pawloween is open to Florence-based businesses, and they can request to participate by emailing [email protected]. For organizations to participate, register now at this link. The banquet halls of the Guillot University Center on the UNA campus will serve as the rain location.


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