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Nominations open for Madison Visionary Partners

MADISONMadison Visionary Partners is accepting nominations for the second annual Madison Visionary Awards.

The communitywide event recognizes the people who make Madison a great place to live, work and play. 

Nominations are being accepted for Community Volunteer of the Year, Youth Volunteer of the Year and Philanthropic Businessperson of the Year. Nominations will close Jan. 5. 

“One of the elements of Madison’s success is its people and MVP thought it fitting to honor the volunteers who work every day to build community in our city,” said Executive Director Melanie Thornton. “We have many people doing good and most often, they are the ones working behind the scenes. What better way to bring them in the spotlight then through these awards?” 

Finalists will be selected by an outside judges panel and featured on social media and on the MVP website. The winners will be announced at a breakfast on March 28 at the SportsMed Club at Toyota Field.

“This event also serves as MVP’s signature fundraiser, so we can make a bigger impact on the quality of life in the City of Madison,” said Thornton.

Last year, MVP granted seven nonprofits $14,500 in funding for Madison-based projects due to the success of the event. These awards highlight a key element in MVP’s mission as Madison’s community nonprofit. 

In addition to fundraising for large projects, MVP is also working on building a community of volunteers who want to bring small projects, events and programs to Madison. To qualify, nominees must live and/or work in Madison. Nominations are only being accepted online via the MVP website.

For more information and a complete set of guidelines, visit  mvpmadison.org/visionaryawards 

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