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Our Town Podcast: Brandon Bishop of foster, adoptive parents group

256 Today is proud to present the Our Town Podcast. Check here every week for the latest episode from Troy Bye, North Alabama’s newest favorite son.

The Our Town Podcast showcases all that is good in North Alabama. Each week guests are invited from business, sports, entertainment, education, the arts, and so much more to discuss all aspects of living and working in The 256.

Each of us has a story and each of us grew out of a circumstance.

Brandon Bishop is president of the Madison County Foster and Adoptive Parent Association. He grew up in Stevenson, attended the University of Alabama, and established roots and is raising his family in Madison. Brandon shares the interesting circumstance in which he met his wife, Trina, and how they would later become foster parents even with their own biological children. We discuss the obstacles and myths that still prevail delaying qualified individuals and couples from starting the process of fostering or adopting a child.  

Brandon shares many stories and insights from his many experiences as a foster parent, which proved to be both educational and emotional. Brandon is a songwriter and we discussed the lyrics to a song he wrote entitled “You’re Doin’ it Wrong” and then watched it performed by Christina Lynn. Brandon is definitely a selfless person who leads a selfless life and you will be amazed to hear the other things he is involved with all aimed at community building.
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