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Our Town Podcast: Meet Drew Gilbert

256 Today is proud to present the Our Town Podcast. Check here every week for the latest episode from Troy Bye, North Alabama’s newest favorite son.
The Our Town Podcast showcases all that is good in North Alabama. Each week guests are invited from business, sports, entertainment, education, the arts, and so much more to discuss all aspects of living and working in The 256.

Each of us has a story and each of us grew out of a circumstance.

Drew Gilbert is an example to the younger generation.

With the love of a caring, strong, and selfless mother, Drew was raised well in Alabaster and now proudly serves the public good in his job at First Stop and as a captain of the EMS team for the Harvest Volunteer Fire Department. He served his country in the Army National Guard and deployed to Iraq to support Operations Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.
Through his military and fire fighting training he has received extensive training and certifications related to emergency response and tactical medicine, which he uses to save lives in the greater Huntsville area on a regular basis.
This interview will simply make you feel good that our town has amazing citizens like Drew who live and work here.

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