63.8 F
61.2 F
Muscle Shoals
66.8 F
69.3 F
Fort Payne

Project Share helps elderly, low-income most at risk in winter

HUNTSVILLE – To save money, many elderly people set their thermostats dangerously low in winter and risk hypothermia. Huntsville Utilities is working to keep those in need safe during the winter months through Project Share. The program assists elderly, lower and fixed income families, and those with disabilities to help pay utility bills, improve energy efficiency, and create long-term solutions for such a pressing issue.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the elderly are especially vulnerable to hypothermia and as a result the condition can develop in older adults after even relatively mild exposure to cold weather or a small drop in temperature.

Project Share launched in December 1988 to help elderly, disabled and handicapped customers pay utility bills during the winter months. One hundred percent of funds contributed to Project Share go directly to those in need. In addition to utility bills, 30% of Project Share donations go toward home improvements for energy efficiency.

Families helped since 1988: 30,109
Community Contributions since 1988: $5,534,671.82

During the winter months of January, February and March 2023, Project Share funds assisted 667 families with the payment of their utility bills. During this time frame, a total of $147,968.93 was awarded in helping these families with the gas and electric portions of their bills, an average of $221.84 per family.

Who qualifies?

Utility customers ages 62 and older
Utility customers certified as disabled or handicapped

Income Limitations:

Participants must be on a low or fixed income which does not exceed the state household income eligibility guidelines as specified by the Alabama Department of Human Resources.

The Salvation Army screens potential recipients, determines eligibility and decides who will receive assistance.

Energy Improvements:

Thirty percent of Project Share Program donations go toward home improvements to create long-term energy savings.  These funds are combined with grant awards and TVA contributions to make a significant impact in our community. Participants for energy improvements are qualified through HUD criteria for very low-income residents of Madison County.

How You Can Help:

For more information on Project Share, visit our new Project Share Page here: ProjectShareHSV.org

See our Project Share video here.

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