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Sentar’s CodeValor approved for DoD Platform One: Iron Bank

Sentar Inc., one of Huntsville’s many successful women-owned businesses is celebrating the approval of their software assurance tool known as CodeValor for Department of Defense (DoD) Platform One: Iron Bank.

After a rigorous auditing and approval process to obtain a continuous Authority to Operate (ATO), CodeValor can be easily acquired and integrated into DecSecOps Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

CodeValor is currently being used at the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to ensure both legacy and new-code applications are securely developed and deployed. DoD partners and software development teams now have access to CodeValor’s advanced capabilities, including command line interface compliant documentation and the ability to scan legacy languages.

“We are excited for CodeValor to be available for use across the DoD,” said Gary Mayes, director of Research & Development at Sentar. “The DoD’s initiative of enhancing secure software development practices aligns directly with our own.

“Through this success, we are further protecting the applications that our country’s critical missions are contingent upon.”

Sentar is one of the fastest-growing cyber intelligence, analytics and operations solutions providers focused on the National Security sector and they have offices in Huntsville to support the Defense Health Agency, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, and the Missile Defense Agency.

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