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State providing free job training across North Alabama

MONTGOMERY – A New Year can bring a new career!

Alabama has won a $4.4 million federal grant to help more of the unemployed in North Alabama gain free jobs skills training.

Individuals can sign up for free job skills training by visiting Career Centers located throughout North Alabama, or by visiting https://wioa-alabama.org/self-service/.

The U.S. Department of Labor funds are designed to help residents in Colbert, Cullman, DeKalb, Franklin, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Morgan, and Winston counties.

To register for training and to find a Career Center, visit alabamaworks.alabama.gov – Contact Us – Location Search.

The federal funds are administered at the state level by the Alabama Department of Commerce’s Workforce Development Division.

Alabama’s Career Centers are managed by the Alabama Department of Labor.

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