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Training day: Huntsville Police Department offers practice session for recruits

HUNTSVILLE — The Huntsville Police Department is stepping up its recruiting efforts with a new, informal event designed to draw prospective officer candidates.

HPD will be hosting a session Saturday to practice for the mandatory, statewide physical fitness test that all recruits have to pass.

“The physical fitness portion of the application process is crucial to ensuring that candidates possess the necessary strength, stamina, and agility to perform their duties effectively and safely,” HPD Recruiter Kevin Becatti said. “Being physically fit isn’t just about meeting the demands of the job; it’s about being prepared to serve and protect our community.”

The physical fitness test consists of:

  • 22 pushups in a minute
  • 25 situps in a minute
  • 90-second agility course
  • 1.5-mile run in under 15 minutes, 28 seconds

The event is 8-11 a.m. at 2213 Drake Ave.

Once a candidate applies to be a police officer, they must then schedule their physical fitness test. The assessment must be completed before a candidate can move on to the next step in the hiring process.

For information, visit JoinHuntsvillePD.com.

According to its website, the Huntsville Police Department currently has 3 Police Precincts, 421 sworn officers, and 182 civilian personnel.

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