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Athens Pardons & Paroles Office provides solid core for growing future

ATHENS – In 2022, Athens was listed as the third-fasted growing town in Alabama.

On top of that, Limestone County is experiencing the highest population growth of any in the state.

Who’s responsible for overseeing the needs of the probationers, parolees, and mandatory supervised release individuals in this happening place? These four: Officer-in-Charge Benjamin Trimm, Officer Davis Johnson, Officer Alexus Tiggs and Administrative Support Assistant III Molly Routon.

It’s a solid core for what is no doubt going to be a location with an ever-expanding need for public safety services.

Officer-in-Charge Benjamin Trimm has more than 25 years with the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. (Athens Field Office contributed)

Trimm has more than 25 years with the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. With his experience, he uplifts the talents of two dedicated officers. He has high expectations when showing employees the ropes, but it comes across as effortless. His team has the confidence to know if they do things his way, things will work out fine.

It seems at each location there is always one officer who takes up the mantle of electronic monitoring, particularly interested in learning the nuances of the process.

Officer Davis Johnson, is one of the Bureau of Pardons and Paroles’ most reliable electronic monitoring experts. (Athens Field Office contributed)

At Athens, it’s Johnson, who possesses the right combination of technical skills and officer training to be one of ABPP’s most reliable electronic monitoring experts.

Additionally, Tiggs provides the all-around expertise to do whatever is needed to keep up with always fast-paced public safety and rehabilitation needs.

Officer Alexus Tiggs provides all-around expertise for the Athens office. (Athens Field Office contributed)

Meanwhile, Routon, with her more than 15 years of experience with the agency, makes certain the officers have no administrative or paperwork barriers to getting the job done.

“Molly is best ASA I’ve ever worked with,” said Trimm. “She has things done before I even ask.”

District 3D Manager Wendy Garth said she is especially grateful for the way the team conducts itself, exhibiting the “very definition of teamwork.”

“The Athens Field Office has shown its ability to address day to day issues and function independently in a trustworthy manner with little outside intervention,” she said.

Trimm and Garth said they appreciate the seamless support of the courts and the local law enforcement community, recognizing one agency alone isn’t enough to keep the community safe from harm.

With the dedicated team of the Athens Field Office working together with other justice community organizations, the residents of Limestone County should feel safe as they continue to develop toward greatness.


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