Each year, July 20 marks the anniversary of one of humanity’s biggest triumphs: Landing on the moon. In 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and...
HUNTSVILLE – Huntsville-based RCP Cos. is expanding its footprint throughout the state and has hired three people to its team - Nora Dowd as director...
HUNTSVILLE -- Bank Independent has named Ashlyn Biggers the bank's community engagement representative for Huntsville and Madison County.
Biggers joins Bank Independent after spending the...
HUNTSVILLE -- It's a celebration of the diversity of businesses and people next month in the 38th annual Huntsville-Madison County Chamber Small Business Awards.
HUNTSVILLE – One of Huntsville’s exciting avionics software startups, Avilution, soared to new heights recently with the successful demonstration of its new experimental technologies.
HUNTSVILLE -- D-Wave Quantum and Davidson Technologies are making a joint appearance this week at the Space and Missile Defense Symposium at the Von...
HUNTSVILLE -- Dentons Sirote has hired former Internal Revenue Service trial attorney Sarah Myers Raben as Of Counsel to the firm's tax practice group...