MONTGOMERY -- In what they are calling a "necessary" move, pharmacists around the state are staging a walkout Tuesday in support of pharmacy benefit...
BALTIMORE -- HMR Veterans Services has selected Sage Growth Partners as its strategy and communications agency partner.
HMR is a provider of management services for...
HOLLYWOOD -- To help answer a critical need in the health science field, Jackson County Schools is partnering with Huntsville's SIMVANA in equipping students...
MOULTON -- With rural hospitals across the state and country struggling to stay open and Lawrence County facing potentially similar circumstances, the Lawrence Medical...
ATHENS – The Limestone County Economic Development Association is accepting applications for the 2025 LCEDA CTE Scholarship Fund.
This scholarship provides a $1,500 award to...
HUNTSVILLE -- The Huntsville Hospital Health System (HHHS) encompasses 14 hospitals serving a 16-county service area in two states. The not-for-profit health system based...
HUNTSVILLE – One of the most agonizing experiences a cancer patient suffers is waiting without knowing: waiting for a diagnosis, waiting to get test...
WASHINGTON — In her continuing fight to help provide obstetric care in the state's and nation's rural areas, U.S. Sen. Katie Britt joined Sens.Maggie...
HUNTSVILLE -- There are 3,237 people in northeast Alabama who will collectively save more than $3.4 million in 2025 on their Medicare insurance premiums...