MONTGOMERY -- A pair of north Alabama airports are among three in the state to receive improvement grants from the Alabama Department of Transportation.
HAMMONDVILLE -- A four-mile segment of reconstructed I-59 northbound in DeKalb County has opened to traffic this morning. It includes the northbound Exit 231...
MOORESVILLE – Anna Clem has been named interim executive director of the Singing River Trail, the organization announced today. Clem has served as the...
HUNTSVILLE -- Contractors will close Mastin Lake Road just west of North Memorial Parkway tonight and Friday night to install drainage pipes.
The road will...
HUNTSVILLE – One of the Rocket City’s main downtown arteries is getting a facelift.
The Huntsville City Council passed a resolution at its regular meeting...
HUNTSVILLE – It was only a matter of time before Huntsville administrators and developers turned a collective northward as the city continues to expand.
HAMMONDVILLE -- For motorists traveling in northern DeKalb County on Interstate 59, be prepared for lane closings over the next couple years.
Work will begin...
MONTGOMERY -- Relief is in sight for motorists traveling I-565.
You know the highway - it's a parking lot some days, especially during rush hour.