MONTGOMERY -- Several North Alabama cities are among cities, counties and other entities statewude to share more than $21.6 million in federal Transportation Alternatives...
HUNTSVILLE — The Alabama Department of Transportation is holding a public workshop Tuesday about its Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
The "open house" workshop is...
HUNTSVILLE -- Alabama A&M University’s Bulldog Transit System has been awarded an $8.1 million Competitive Low-No Emissions Program Federal Assistance grant. This funding will accelerate...
SCOTTSBORO -- Things are taking off, economy-wise, in the Scottsboro-Jackson County area.
Business is growing. The population is growing.
And more things will be taking off,...
BIRMINGHAM – Proponents of electric vehicles tout lower fuel and maintenance costs as key benefits of driving electric.
But how much money do EV owners really save?...
DECATUR -- A project to resurface part of Alabama Highway 20 in Decatur will start Sunday evening and run throughthe week, if weather permits.
WASHINGTON – A pair of multimillion-dollar projects in Huntsville and Jackson County are among several in Alabama to share more than $40 million through the...
HAMMONDVILLE -- Part of I-59 northbound in DeKalb County near the Georgia state line is temporarily closed for a $41 million roadway reconstruction project,...