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Cyber Huntsville board adds six members

HUNTSVILLE – One of Mayor Tommy Battle’s most challenging initiatives, Cyber Huntsville, has approved its 2023 board of directors with six more members added.

Cyber Huntsville grew out of Battle’s 2010 cyber initiative made up of industry, government, and academic institutions whose collective technical expertise and leadership help solve local, regional, and national cyber challenges.

“We are grateful to have such a diverse group of dedicated and proven cyber luminaries,” said Jamie Miller, CEO of Cyber Huntsville. “Together we are planning on accomplishing big things in 2023.”

The 2023 Cyber Huntsville Executive Committee is Miller, president; Larry Burger, executive vice president; Ben Denton, senior vice president of operations; Nisheeth Agrawal, vice president of education/workforce development; Ian Clark, vice president of advisory council; Judy Darwin, vice president of the National Cyber Summit; Nichole O’Brien, vice president of outreach; and Chris Patty, vice president of finance and board treasurer.

The position of secretary is vacant.

The 2023 Cyber Huntsville directors are Shelly Amanik, director of membership; Beau Bowden, director of marketing; Brianna Fannin, director of events; Brian Lynn, director of exercises; Matt Osborne, director of workforce development; Rodney Robertson, director of government affairs; Brandon Umphrey, director of economic development; and Darren Waldrep, director of education.

New to the director’s positions is Cindy Kamhieh of the advisory council.

The 2023 Cyber Huntsville deputy directors are Corey Averitt, exercises; Joanna Coker, National Cyber Summit; Kris Lamb, economic development; and Rachel Smith, marketing.

The five new deputy directors are Gerome Burrell, workforce development; Philomena Compton, education; Greg Gaddy, advisory council; Sheila McFerran, events; and Marc Sachs, membership.

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