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Governor’s office offering summer internships

MONTGOMERY — As a former teacher, Gov. Kay Ivey recognizes the importance of education and students’ gaining on-the-job practice.

To this end, Ivey announced summer internships are available for her office in the State Capitol. The program offers students a realistic overview of routine activity within a government office.

“Experience is key to advancement, and Alabama students should engage in internships to provide real-world practice that will prepare them for their future careers,” said Ivey. “When I was a student at Auburn, I worked to support the efforts of Gov. Lurleen Wallace, who became a true mentor to me, so I am always eager to share similar experiences to our college students.

“No matter what industry you imagine yourself working in, an internship here at the State Capitol will truly be beneficial to all. I encourage all of our college students to seek out any type of internship or learning opportunities to further prepare them for a career and lifetime of success.” 

A junior at the University of Alabama, former intern Saylor Cuzzort of Huntsville said her time in the Governor’s Communications Office solidified her vision for her future going forward.

“There is a contagious level of professionalism, ambition and passion within Governor Ivey’s Office that encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, ask questions and ultimately learn from some of the state’s most dedicated professionals during my internship,” said Cuzzort, a graduate of Sparkman High School. “Having this opportunity has been instrumental in solidifying my interest in state government, communication and public service.

“To say it was an honor to serve Governor Ivey and her staff as an intern would be an understatement.” 

The summer internships are divided into two, six-week sessions – May 8 to June 16 and June 19 to July 28. The deadline to apply is close of business March 15.

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