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Huntsville police officers to offer interaction insight with community

HUNTSVILLE – Ever been pulled over while driving or confronted in public by police and weren’t sure how to interact with the officer, possibly leading to a forgettable experience?

The Huntsville Police Department would like to help with any encounter, whether it is a traffic stop, car wreck, or suspected criminal activity, that can shape and define citizens’ level of trust in police. Huntsville police officers receive state-of-the-art training to ensure the public’s safety when they engage with the community they protect and serve.

Next week, the Huntsville Police Citizens Advisory Council will host a meeting between HPD and the community to discuss what to expect when engaging with officers and the do’s and don’ts of safe police interactions.

“This is a prime opportunity to better understand the workings of police officers,” said Wiley Day, chair of the council. “We’ve asked our Huntsville Police Community Resource Officers to walk us through the steps of routine encounters and hear from the public about their experiences.”

The HPCAC event will be Tuesday from 6-7 p.m., at the Fellowship of Faith Church, 3703 North Memorial Parkway.

For more information, contact Day at [email protected]

The advisory council serves to promote productive police and community interaction and foster mutual trust by assisting the police in achieving a greater understanding of the complex social fabric of the community. The HPCAC brings a citizen’s perspective on the policies and procedures of law enforcement and helps advise on a variety of topics including diversity, recruitment, training and discipline.

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