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Huntsville Utilities: Water main breaks in city, county not ‘out of the ordinary’

HUNTSVILLE – Move along. Nothing to see here.

There is no nefarious mystery as to why there have been water main breaks and power outages recently involving Huntsville Utilities.

Just this week, there have been several cases of outages. But, with all the local and area construction going on in the metropolitan area, it’s surprising they don’t happen more often.

“There’s really nothing out of the ordinary here,’’ said Joe Gehrdes, community relations director for Huntsville Utilities. “One of the breaks was caused by a contractor dig-in. The other cases are likely a combination of things: above-ground activity, older pipes, and, as previously mentioned, construction activity.’’

Most of the time, Gehrdes said, the number of customers affected by a water main break is relatively small. Recently, however, larger numbers of customers have been affected, resulting in noticeable communication of the event. 

“Much like the way we broadcast power outages,’’ he said.

Friday, there was a main break near Mooresville Road impacting customers on Highway 20, North Street, Market Street, Lauderdale Street, Piney Street, High Street and Broad Street.

Thursday was busy. There was a power outage in the Hazel Green area near the Tennessee state line and south; a water outage on 13th street in Huntsville impacting 6th Avenue to 9th Avenue; a broken water main along Oakwood Avenue between Dogwood Lane and Morningside Drive; and natural gas operations closed the outside, westbound lane of Drake Avenue and the outside, northbound lane of Patton Road at the intersection for main repair.

Wednesday, part of Clinton Avenue was closed due to a burst water main. Water was shut off while workers made repairs on Clinton Avenue from Governors Drive to Memorial Parkway.

Last Saturday, storms were blamed for power outages in New Hope and Madison.

This coming Monday and Tuesday, Huntsville Utilities will close 700 Monroe Street north to Clinton Avenue for water main installation for 6-8 hours beginning at 8 a.m. Motorists are asked to avoid the area, and if driving in that area proceed with caution. Access to the Von Braun Center box office will be available from Clinton Avenue.

To report a problem with electric, gas or water call Huntsville Utilities at 256-535-4448 or 53LIGHT.

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