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Lockheed Martin wins $17B missile defense contract

HUNTSVILLE — Huntsville-based operations continue to take the lead in the nation’s missile defense capability.

Monday, the Missile Defense Agency, whose headquarters are in Huntsville, selected Lockheed Martin to deliver the Next Generation Interceptor.

Next Generation Interceptors on their mission over Earth in this rendering. (Lockheed Martin Contributed)

Lockheed Martin, as the MDA’s NGI prime contractor, will provide the most modern, reliable, and technically advanced interceptor in the history of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense system, the company said in a news release. The multiple-kill vehicle interceptor is designed to protect the homeland against long range ballistic missile threats from rogue nations. The multiyear contract is worth a reported $17 billion.

“Lockheed Martin is proud to partner with the MDA on a revolutionary interceptor to advance our nation’s security,” said Sarah Hiza, vice president and general manager of Strategic and Missile Defense at Lockheed Martin. “We are committed to delivering reliable interceptors that will seamlessly integrate with the GMD system and can rapidly evolve with the threat.

“We stand ready to support our customer for decades to come with a solution capable of protecting the nation from current and future threats.”

The NGI program continues on its path to the Critical Design Review, integration with the broader weapon system and flight testing, Lockheed Martin said.

Lockheed Martin said it is committed to delivering the first NGI in advance of the warfighter’s need.

New and modern Lockheed Martin facilities, built for the homeland missile defense mission, recently opened in Huntsville and under construction in Courtland, represent the commitment to NGI.

Sunrise launch of NGI (Lockheed Martin Contributed)

A new $16.5 million Missile System Integration Lab in Huntsville is where Lockheed Martin plans to conduct development, testing, and system integration for the nation’s next long range ballistic missile defense interceptor – the Next Generation Interceptor.

The MSIL will also house a digital engineering center and key infrastructure to create and maintain a digital thread throughout the integration process.

“Lockheed Martin is committed to North Alabama and this facility is further evidence of that,” Robert Lightfoot, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Space, said at the facility’s opening in November. “We are pleased to celebrate adding an advanced facility to our Huntsville campus today — the same year we mark 60 years in the Rocket City supporting our customers.”

The new lab’s concept is strengthened by Lockheed Martin’s decades of experience and expertise supporting the U.S. missile defense mission, across the product lifecycle and all phases of flight.

“This facility serves as a testbed to prove out our hardware and software integration, adding new levels of digital capability, agility and connectivity with our customers,” said Sarah Reeves, vice president of NGI at Lockheed Martin. “It is another example of Lockheed Martin’s investment in the technology and advanced facilities critical to reducing risk for our NGI program.

“The MSIL brings us even closer to flight testing and production of our interceptor, which will revolutionize U.S. homeland missile defense.”

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