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Huntsville’s CASA changes name to Enable Madison County

HUNTSVILLE – They say there is a lot in a name.

For the former CASA of Madison County, changing its name to Enable Madison County better represents its work of helping the county’s aging and home-bound live safely and with dignity in their own homes.

At a ribbon-cutting this week, Executive Director Ann Anderson explained how that process played out.

“For a long time, we knew we were going to have to change our name,” said Anderson who was accompanied by Huntsville State Reps. Howard Sanderford (R-Huntsville) and Rex Reynolds (R-Huntsville). “We were being confused with other agencies and defense contractors, and the Board put this on our strategic plan.

“This was the year to do it and we did it in just two months, which is fast, but we have embraced it and so has the community.”

Anderson recalled meeting with CASA’s founder Nancy Robinson and laying out the name-change plan.

“’I love it’,” Robinson said, according to Anderson. “That was a true stamp of approval to have somebody like Nancy who has been around as long as she has in the aging program give it her blessing.

“Enable Madison County is uplifting not only for our clients, but for each one of us, it gives us the positive approach to what we are doing with our clients. As we speak to them, they see the change as positive, and they feel hopeful and empowered that we will continue to deliver the same services that have restored their independence and hope, as we have for the past 45 years.”

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C.J. Jackman, project services coordinator, said volunteers  help get ramps, grab bars and handrails installed in client homes.

“I’m also part of the weatherization program where we help winterize client homes so they can save a little money and stay warm in the winter,” he said. “Our volunteers do the assessment of the homes to see what is needed, like replacing old light bulbs with LED bulbs, replacing air filters and placing plastic over windows that may be letting heat and air conditioning escape.”

Jackman said this is his first time working with a nonprofit and he is most impressed with the Enable volunteers in the area.

“They are wonderful,” he said. “They have taken me under their wing and taught me so many things I didn’t know before.”

Enable Madison County is in the United Way building, 701 Andrew Jackson Way in Huntsville. For information, call 256-533-7775 or email to [email protected].

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