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Not playing around: Huntsville approves $426K for rec center

HUNTSVILLE — The Huntsville City Council played ball last week when they approved nearly a half-million dollars for a much needed – and much anticipated – Martin Road Recreation Center in West Huntsville. 

The $426,250 contract for William M. Boehme & Associates Architects will produce a facility similar to the Mark Russell Recreation Center that opened on Taylor Road in December 2020.

The agreement calls for two full-size gymnasiums, multi-purpose rooms, office space storage areas and restrooms, as well as lighted parking and landscaping.

A previous agreement authorized the purchase of approximately five acres of land on Martin Road just west of the intersection with Zeirdt Road.

Huntsville Parks & Recreation Director James Gossett said it’s exciting to see the much-anticipated project move forward.

“As West Huntsville continues to grow, we know there is a need for recreation facilities and programming,” he said. “This center will meet that need and add to the quality of life for our citizens.”

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