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State’s CollegeCounts Scholarship program open

MONTGOMERYCollegeCounts, the state’s 529 college savings fund, is offering $4,000 scholarships for four-year college students and $2,000 scholarships for two-year college students in Alabama.

The CollegeCounts Scholarship online application is available through Feb. 29 at treasury.alabama.gov/CollegeCounts-Scholarship.  

“Since 2013, we have been pleased to award $10.5 million to more than 3,000 Alabama  students going to Alabama colleges,” said State Treasurer Young Boozer. “We encourage school counselors and financial aid officers to let students know about this scholarship program.

“CollegeCounts is investing in Alabama’s students and we hope they will invest in our State’s future.”

To be eligible, applicants must be high school seniors or first-time college freshmen planning to enroll in an Alabama eligible educational institution this fall. They must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 with an ACT score of 26 or below and demonstrate financial need.

Scholarships are awarded equitably across the state with at least two awards per county, depending on applications. 

The scholarships must be applied to tuition, fees, books, supplies and required equipment  for classes, including computers. Funds can also be applied to on-campus room and board expenses or off-campus housing, if enrolled at least half-time and billed through the school. 

For information, about scholarship and eligibility requirements, click here. Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. CST on Feb. 29. Award recipients will be notified via email by the end of April.  

For more information about CollegeCounts, Alabama’s 529 Fund and how to open an  account, visit CollegeCounts529.com.  

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