29.7 F
33 F
Muscle Shoals
31.4 F
32.5 F
Fort Payne



Singing River Trail Action Plan for Athens & Limestone County: It’s how we roll in North Alabama

Athens and Limestone County civic leaders released their comprehensive Singing River Trail Action Plan along the 212-mile Singing River Trail system. As the first...

Black History Month: Art, music, food and tours through February

As Huntsville recognizes Black History Month in February, one of the city’s most appealing aspects is its diversity in culture and storied history as...

Kids to Love celebrates 18 years of service to children in foster care

Kids to Love celebrates 18 years of service to children in foster care this year. Its story, however, was set in motion long before that when...

‘Legal Day’ gives area teens a preview of what it means to be a lawyer

“It’s not like TV.” That’s what Huntsville Attorney Bart Siniard says he wanted students that participated in a recent legal day event in Huntsville to...

Has your child’s favorite Teddy met with misfortune? Madison’s Stuffed Animal Clinic to the rescue

Nicole Adams, SAD (Stuffed Animal Doctor) of Madison’s Stuffed Animal Clinic specializes in healing, repairing and reviving children’s (and adult’s) seriously injured or sick...

Paralympic cycling returns to the Rocket City with an exciting new downtown relay event

The Huntsville/Madison County community will be pleased to hear that U.S. Paralympics Cycling returns to the Rocket City for a second year this spring,...

Lee Greenwood, Helping A Hero and Breland Homes break ground on home for local disabled veteran

Six months ago, Johnny Morris, founder and CEO of Bass Pro Shops sent out a challenge to Americans to build 100 adaptive homes across...

2021 Huntsville Development Review reveals City on a continued growth trajectory

It could be seen in the 2021 Annual Report put out by the Huntsville Area Association of REALTORS (HAAR) last week, and it is...

Black History Month: Six black Madison County women who made history on voting rights

On Wednesday, February 16, in honor of Black History Month, six black women from Madison County will be immortalized in a formal presentation sponsored...

2022 Art Tour of Homes: Huntsville homeowner’s artwork on exhibit

Georgia O’Keeffe said to create one’s own world takes courage, but to the average homeowner, enhancing their environment through art seems to take a...