MONTGOMERY -- The absentee voting period for the Nov. 8 general election begins today, the office of Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill announced.
HUNTSVILLE – With midterm elections fast approaching, some fresh voices are speaking out in the form of Libertarian Party Alabama.
Libertarian candidates, including gubernatorial candidate...
HUNTSVILLE -- City Councilman Bill Kling was re-elected for a 10th term as the District 4 representative in the Huntsville municipal elections Tuesday night.
HUNTSVILLE -- A debate among seven of the eight candidates for Huntsville City School Board addressed questions regarding personal political beliefs, mask mandates, and critical...
MONTGOMERY -- Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore was awarded $8.2 million in damages Friday after a federal jury found a Democratic-aligned super PAC...
HUNTSVILLE – The Huntsville Area Association of Realtors announced its endorsements for the Aug. 23 municipal elections.
“We’re not the red or blue party, we’re...
The 2022 primary election cycle saw great success for University of North Alabama (UNA) graduates.
Multiple alumni of the institution secured their respective parties’ nominations...