46.6 F
48.6 F
Muscle Shoals
44.2 F
44.5 F
Fort Payne

Decatur, Huntsville Utilities offer tips to save money, energy in winter

DECATUR — A year ago this weekend, Christmas lights went dark. Stoves and ovens, filled with food for Christmas dinners, weren’t cooking.
North Alabama was cast into darkness as the Tennessee Valley Authority ordered rolling blackouts due to unprecedented power demand.
Since then, the agency has taken measures to prevent the need for rolling blackouts again.
“However, weather conditions are not under our control and circumstances could occur that would require drastic measures to be taken to keep the power system stable,” said Joe Holmes, a spokesman for Decatur Utilities. “Thus, TVA and DU are committed to being prepared for such circumstances in the future.”
If demand is higher than than normal due to extreme temperatures (summer or winter), customers may be asked to take voluntary measures to help conserve energy.
“Of course, these same measures can be used as well to reduce electric usage and lower bills as well,” Holmes said.
Joe Gehrdes with Huntsville Utilities said there are tips for customers to take that will help reduce usage and lower utility bills.

“The two biggest drivers of your utility bill are consumption and the weather,” he said. “If your bill is high, there are a few things to consider.”

  • Did you review the weather from the previous month? Your bill reflects consumption from 30 days ago. While the weather may be mild now, it may have been extremely hot or cold in the past 30 days reflected on your bill. Heating and cooling degree days are listed on the utility bill for your reference.
  • Your home comfort system (heating and air conditioning) is one of the biggest consumption drivers throughout the home. If your home comfort system is more than 10 years old, it may not be operating as efficiently as it could be. Consider replacing an old, inefficient system with new technology, such as an electric heat pump, or consider installing a programmable thermostat.
  • Do you have any water leaks? Water leaks take many forms; from faucets dripping, commodes that run, and outdoor spouts that run unattended.

Meanwhile, here are a few more tips from Decatur Utilities and Huntsville Utilities to save energy and money:

Winter Efficiency and Conservation Tips:
  • Set your heating system thermostat to 68ºF (or even lower if you can bear it) and to 56 – 60ºF when you leave for an extended period of time. (68ºF is the optimum temperature recommended by DOE for maximum efficiency.) Setting the thermostat lower will keep your heating unit from working as hard.
  • Keeping your home cool at night – and bundling up with blankets, socks and warm pajamas – can help keep your bill a little lower each month.
  • Take advantage of solar energy! Open curtains on your south-facing windows during winter days to allow free heat into your home. Close window coverings after the sun goes down to avoid losing that heat!
  • Make sure your ceiling fans are rotating in a clockwise direction. Setting the fan to clockwise for the winter will push warm air down and “trap” it where you want it! Set the rotation speed to a low level.
  • Keep your fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning. Keeping the damper open is like keeping a window wide open during the winter.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. The air inside your home can become very dry. Moist air feels warmer and holds heat better, so a humidifier can help.
  • Turn off lights and other electronics when not in use.
Generator Safety
  • Never operate a portable generator inside! They are designed to be used outdoors only. And don’t plug the output from a portable generator into your home’s internal wiring!
  • Any permanent, stand-by generator must be installed by a licensed electrician and include an automatic transfer switch. Register your generator with DU by calling 256-552-1400 or going to https://www.decaturutilities.com/registeryourgenerator. If not installed properly, these generators can backfeed electricity onto powerlines and endanger the lives of line crews who are working to restore power.
General Efficiency Tips
  • ​Caulk and weatherstrip around windows and doors to stop air leaks. (If you can feel cold air or see daylight, those are places where you are losing heat!)
  • Make sure you have at least 10 inches of blown attic insulation over all heated and cooled areas. (Approximately R38)
  • Seal gaps in floors and walls around pipes and wiring.
  • Service your HVAC unit annually and change air filters monthly. Inspect ductwork and repair any gaps.
  • Keep your outside air unit clean and clear of debris.
  • Keep all windows and doors near your thermostat closed tightly.
  • Keep heat sources such as lamps and appliances away from your thermostat.
  • Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents or LEDs – they use 75% less energy.
  • Use low-watt bulbs where lighting is not critical.
  • Turn off lights, televisions and other appliances when not in use.
  • Wrap your water heater with insulation or install an insulating blanket.

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