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Drake State celebrates Healthcare Heroes Week

HUNTSVILLE – It doesn’t have quite the same ring as “Avengers Assemble,” but some healthcare heroes are being honored for answering the call.

In a salute to the profession, Drake State Community and Technical College’s Health Sciences Division is honoring healthcare heroes present and future all this week. The annual event celebrates the dedication and contributions of healthcare professionals while inspiring the next generation of healthcare heroes.

Activities to promote health awareness and career exploration will be featured, culminating with Thursday’s “Who Wants to be a Healthcare Hero?” Day. During the event, Drake State will host fifth-grade students from Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in activities focused on health and safety, fire safety, diabetes awareness, and nutrition education. Each participant will receive a superhero cape and mask to commemorate their experience.

Other events include a blood drive today with the American Red Cross. 

“We are delighted to host Healthcare Heroes Week at Drake State Community and Technical College for a second year,” said Dr. Alice Raymond, chair of the Drake State Health Sciences Division. “This event honors the hard work of healthcare professionals and inspires young minds to consider careers in the health sciences.

“We look forward to welcoming students, faculty, and community members to join us in celebrating our healthcare heroes.”

For more information about Healthcare Heroes Week, visit drakestate.edu or contact  Raymond at [email protected].

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