HUNTSVILLE — It was a big day for Huntsville-based Freedom Real Estate & Capital.
The company broke ground Tuesday for an office building at Hays Farms.
“This is the first Class A building that’s coming into South Huntsville,” said Mayor Tommy Battle. “It is truly a mixed use development,” Battle said. “We are going to have people who live, work, and play right here. We’re all excited about the possibilities of the future.
“We are having a lot of build out for single family homes that are coming into the area and all of it just means that we have an area that is growing and prospering and it’s part of what we expect for all of Huntsville.”
He also thanked Freedom Real Estate for its confidence in Huntsville and in particular South Huntsville.
Related story: Freedom rings at Hays Farm
Freedom Real Estate founder Bill Roark said the building Hays Farms is not the only new building being planned by the company.
“We are a full service real estate company at this point,” he said. “We just had a groundbreaking a few weeks ago in Pulaski Pike for a warehouse we’re building up there. In that case we’re actually building that warehouse. We started a construction company and we are building that warehouse.
“We have a long relationship here in South Huntsville that goes back over 20 years. We have had a great partnership with the City of Huntsville and the Chamber of Commerce.”
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