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HomeLaw EnforcementSlow ride: Alabama, others ask drivers to take it easy

Slow ride: Alabama, others ask drivers to take it easy

MONTGOMERY – The eighth “Operation Southern Slow Down’’ campaign is this week with Alabama among the five states participating. From today through Sunday the focus among highway patrols in those states is simple: Slow down or expect to get a speeding ticket. 

State and local law enforcement officers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee will spend the rest of the week conducting concentrated enforcement on interstates and major highways in their respective states.

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(City of Tallahassee PD/Facebook)

“As more motorists travel during the summer, this joint effort with our partners in the Southeast will serve as a strong reminder to obey the speed limit and other traffic safety laws,” said Kenneth Boswell, Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. “We all want to arrive at our destinations safely, and we support our law enforcement officers as they work hard to prevent injuries and deaths from automobile crashes.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 12,151 people were killed in crashes involving speeding in the United States in 2022, which is a 27 percent increase from 9,592 persons killed in crashes involving speeding in the U.S. in 2019. Speeding was a factor in 28 percent of total fatal crashes in the U.S. in 2021 compared to 26 percent in 2019.

“Operation Southern Slow Down” began in 2017 and runs concurrent with NHTSA’s “Speeding Slows You Down” national awareness and enforcement campaign that started last week and runs through the end of the month. 

NHTSA offers the following safety reminders:

  • Faster speeds require longer to stop a vehicle
  • The stopping distance quadruples every time a driver doubles their speed.
  • Allow more stopping time for bigger vehicles when traveling downhill on wet or uneven pavement
  • Check speedometer when approaching a curve. Apply the brakes before the curve.
  • Remember, children will usually drive in the manner they see adults. Set a good example by driving at the speed limit.

Traveling on the same road with speeding drivers

  • Give speeding drivers plenty of space
  • If speeding drivers are following too closely, allow them to pass
  • Stay out of the far-left lane unless it is passing another vehicle
  • Always wear a seat belt

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